Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Grilled all the way!

So, today, I decided to go all the way! I just decided to experiment. I don't even know what to call this dish. Got the inspiration from my sister. It's by far one of the most delicious meals I've had in a long time, and, it was So much fun to prepare! This was my first time grilling anything, so, you can imagine the excitement that accompanied the preparation.

Preparing this dish is quite easy.
Firstly, cut your Sweet potato, and, Plantain into little pieces, then, set aside.

 Then, cut your meat/chicken into little pieces aswell, and, cook with desired spices. Set aside.

Dice your onions, pepper, and, carrot. (You could also add green pepper, cabbage, etc as desired).

Then, grill the potato and plantain, and, set aside. Remember to brush the grill pan with just a little oil to prevent the food from sticking to the pan. (You could also spice up the plantain, and, potato before grilling).

Grill the meat for about 5 minutes, then, put in your diced carrots, pepper, and, onions. and, grill for a few more minutes.

Finally, add your already grilled potato, and, plantain, then, stir...
FOOD IS READY!! Too yummy!

I really enjoyed making this extremely delicious, and, healthy meal. The only problem was/is; I don't know what to call it! Seriously! So, maybe you all could help me give this meal a befitting name! Lol.



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Nelospears! I really wish I could give you some. So Yummy! hehe.

  2. Beef and plantain platter.....looks yummy.

    1. Beef and plantain platter! WOW! I like that! Thank you Chy, and, it was REALLY Yummy!

  3. Beef and plantain platter.....looks yummy.

  4. Wow! this Looks so good. will try preparing it, but, i don't have a grillpan. may just buy one. thanks Rose.

    1. Thank you Njide. You should definitely get one; it would be So worth it!

  5. Grilled de la crunch! hahahaahaa

    1. Lol. That actually sounds nice! Thank you.

  6. hmmm. a befitting name.. How about grilled potato and plantain in grilled beefy vegetables!! HAHA!!! That even sounds funny to me and it is too long. I'm sorry Rose. lol

    1. Lol. "grilled potato and plantain in grilled beefy vegetables" Love it! Yes, it's quite long, but, you know.. Lol. Thank you Amen.


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