Thursday, 31 March 2016

Keeping the weight off!

Hey Everyone. Hope we are all having a great day. I know I am:-D

So, yesterday was my last day on the Cambridge diet. I managed to loose an extra 3.1kg the last 7 days. Making it a total of 12kg in 3 weeks! Wow!  Before I knew better, I would always sneer at those "claiming" they lost say 15kg in a month. My friends, and, I would always call it "Magic!" But now, I know that is actually very possible. (I'm sure some people would be sneering at me right now). Lol.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Watermelon; The Ideal Fruit for Cleansing & Weight Loss!

Watermelons are great for hydrating your body. They are great for cleansing, weight loss and your health generally. Watermelon is an inexpensive way to help you cleanse your body and lose weight. A one cup serving of watermelon contains 47 calories only! Yes, watermelon is 92% water, but, that other 8% is filled with good nutrition and amazing health benefits!

The high fluid content makes watermelon a low-energy-dense food. Foods low in energy density are perfect for helping you lose belly fat, because they provide fewer calories in a larger volume of food, which helps you feel more satisfied, so you eat less.

Flattening your stomach isn't about doing one specific exercise or eating a miracle “fat-melting” food; it's about eating fewer calories than you burn. Watermelon is one of the best foods for the job at just 47 calories per one cup serving. Each wedge (a wedge of a fruit is a piece of it that has a thick triangle shape) of watermelon contains less than a gram of fat and is cholesterol-free. You can quickly shave hundreds of calories off your daily intake by snacking on watermelon instead of junk foods like potato chips, which can have 275 calories and over 17 grams of fat in just 2 ounces.

Cambridge Diet; Day 22 (Last Day!)

Hey everyone. Hope we are all having a great day! I'm so sorry I wasn't able to put up a post yesterday; had a little issue with my internet. But, it's all fixed now.

It's Day 22, and, my last day on the Cambridge meal! Yay! So, later today, we get to find out if I was able to make my target weight. A bit nervous, I must say. Hasn't been an easy journey, but, we persevered.
Started off the day by drinking about a litre of water (woke up quite thirsty). Almost forgot my meal as I had to rush out so early, but, I turned right back, and, grabbed it! Couldn't start messing things up on my last day:-)

Monday, 28 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 20!

Hey Everyone. Hope we are all doing great! I am:-)
Today was Kinda like a very lazy day for me. Worked the night shift last night, so, was mostly asleep all through the day. I was barely able to take my meals, don't even think I took enough water today. I had to practically force my first meal down my throat when I got home, before going straight to bed. My lil cousins kept on running around, making so much noise, so, I kept waking up at intervals.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Happy Easter Everyone! Cambridge Diet; Day 19!!

Hey Everyone! HAPPY EASTER!
So, today was great, and, jolly all the way! Spent the day with family, and, we had so much Fun celebrating Easter. Was so excited in the morning, I missed my 1st meal. Lol. The house was filled with Sweet Aromas, excitement in the air, kids happy screams.. Best Easter celebration!

So, my biggest challenge for the day came when I had to make the most difficult dicission  I've ever had to make in a Very Long time! (Pictured Above).

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 18!

Hey everyone. Hope we are all doing great. I am!
This day couldn't have been any better. Started off the day with my bottle of green tea, and then, my 1st meal almost 2 hours later. Went for the Banana Shake. Extra chilled ofcos.

Visited my lil cousins today, and, as you can imagine, there were loads and loads of temptations! But, thanks to God, I was able to resist "most" of them. Lol.

Took my last meal quite early today.

Healthy Meal Ideas.

As we are all aware, in a few days time, I'd be introducing normal meals to my diet. Can't wait!
Thanks to my friend, Dobby of, I have a few ideas. But, I may need more, so please, kindly go to the comment section, and, scatter me with healthy meal ideas! Lol. you can get as crazy as can be: I'm willing to try new/different things.

Thank you!

Friday, 25 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 17.

Day 17!  YES!
Hey Everyone. Hope we are all doing great!
Today has been really good so far.  Was able to stick to my diet, apart from that time I was "forced" to taste boiled plantain with palm oil. Just a little taste sha. It was not my long throat this time oo; I had to do it against my will! :-D

So, I started off the day by taking my bottle of green tea, and, about an hour later, took my 1st meal. Went for my fav, the Dutch Chocolate Drink; Extra chilled. 

Made sure I drank lots of water during the day. Took a little walk in the evening (to burn off the extra calories I ingested from the plantain earlier). Lol.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 16!

Hey everyone. Hope we are all doing great. Today has been such a wonderful day. Worked early, got home and, got the well deserved rest that I needed. Right now, I feel so refreshed, and, Happy! #HappyGirlsAreThePrettiest

Started off the day by taking 2 glasses of chilled water, this time, with lime. Got ready for work, and, right before I left, I took my 1st meal. Went for the Rich Vanilla Drink today. Been a while. Missed it. Lol. While at work, I made sure I kept dozing up on water; Lots of water. Got home, freshened up, and took my 2nd meal.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 15!

Hey Guys. Hope we are all doing Great! So, I know I've been MIA for over 24 hours now, and, I am So So Sorry. I'm here now, and, I have good news for you!

I know yesterday, I was supposed to reveal how much more kgs I've lost, but, didn't get to do that, so, I'm gonna let you guys in on it right now.......... 4kg down the drain! YES! I lost an extra 4kg, making it a total of 9kg in 2weeks! I know it's not as much as I lost 2 years ago, but, I am so excited! I am 9kg lighter! I am a Healthy 78.4kg! So happy!

Monday, 21 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 13 (Part 2).

So, today, I deviated BIG TIME! I couldn't believe it, but, my long throat got the Better of me!

I was on my own oo, and, a friend of mine asked me to accompany her to the office gate to go pick up a parcel. Well, as the good friend that I am, I agreed. We got down, picked up the parcel, but, just before we started heading up again, the meat vendor, who is my friend, called out my name. We greeted, and, at the end of the greet, I went back up with 4 small pieces of peppered fried meat, which I intended to just give away, but then, I made the huge mistake of "tasting" one. And, you know, as they say, "once you go black, you can't go back!" Lol. I'm sure you can pretty much guess what happened after that.

Cambridge Diet: Day 13!

Hey Everyone. Hope we are all doing great. It's Day 13 Already! Seems like just yesterday we started this journey. We're still here all Thanks to God!

So, today, I was woken up by the heavy pounding of the rain on my roof. I didn't really fancy that, cos, I still really wanted to get some more sleep, but, that wasn't going to be possible anymore, because, once I'm up, I'm up. Sad; I know! Got up, and, 1st thing 1st, I took 2 glasses of water, then, went ahead to do the little chores I had. When I was all showered, and, relaxed, I took my first meal. I'm sure you can guess which one I went for... Yes! The Dutch Chocolate drink. Extra chilled: Yummy...

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Cambridge Diet: Day 12!

Hey Everyone. Hope we are all doing Great.
So, today, I woke feeling a bit weak/lazy. So, I decided to take a lil walk. Drank about a litre of water, and then, set out. After my walk, I got home, showered, and then, had my 1st meal. Went for the Banana Shake. Few minutes after that, I felt as Good as new. Unexplained energy surging through my body. Exactly what I needed.

A friend of mine once told me, "Sometimes, all you need is a 'Power Walk" to get your body started". I decided to take her advice today, and, it worked out perfectly well for me. You should try it sometime. You'd be amazed.

Day 12, Let's Go!

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 11!

Hey Everyone. Hope we all had a good day.
Let me start off by apologising for the late post. Been super busy today. Had loads of things to take care of. Just got home about an hour ago. Feeling tired, and, famished! At this point, I doubt a Cambridge meal will do. May just have some more carrots tonight. Maybe 3 medium sized ones:-D

So, I took my 1st meal quite early today. Went for my fav, the Dutch Chocolate Drink. Before that, I drank about half a litre of water, this time, with a little lime in it; Chilled, and, Simply Delicious!
As I was So busy today, I missed my 2nd meal, so, I opted for 2 medium sized oranges.

There are 62 calories in 1 medium Orange.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 10 (Part 2).

Hey everyone. So, today was quite a fruitful day. I stuck to my meals, I drank lots of water, and, there were no hunger strikes at any point. At a point, in the evening, I found myself seriously craving for something to nibble on, so, I went out and got myself some carrot. Took 2 medium sized carrots (Pictured above).

There are 25 calories in 1 medium Carrot.

Cambridge Diet; Day 10!

So today, I did not forget my morning meal. Infact, I took it around 6 am, cos, I still had to leave the house early. I went for the Chocolate Drink;  My Favourite

Been about 3 days since I last took my green tea, so, I made sure I didn't miss it today. As we all know, drinking a lot of water is very essential to any low calorie diet, so, I've taken about 2 litres of water so far. Will definitely have more as the day goes by.

It's Day 10! Couldn't be happier at my progress. 4 More days, and we get to find out how much more weight I've lost. Can't wait!

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 9 (Part 2).

It's 11:30pm, just woke up from my "Super nap", and, about to take my final meal. It's quite late; I know. I'm a Sleeping Beauty :-D. So, today wasn't half as bad as I had thought it'd be. "Hunger" was really nice to me today; it didn't come visiting. All I did was to keep drinking lots of water. Didn't let myself get thirsty at any point, plus, I had to, seeing as I forgot to take my 1st meal.

So, the funniest thing happened today. I had to prepare noodles for a friend, and, when I was done, I tried to have a taste of the noodles, as is right, and the next thing I heard was the sound of a camera shutter.

Cambridge Diet: Day 9!

Hey Everyone. So, today, I had to leave home very early, so, between all the rushing up, and, racing out to meet the staff bus, I forgot to take my meal! I didn't want to take it so early, so, i already packed it up. It couldn't fit into my handbag, so, i just set it beside, and, i was so sure I wasn't going to forget it. Now, I'm out, and, I won't be home till much later in the evening. I donno what to do. Am I permitted to eat a boiled egg, or 2?? or, should I just keep drinking water?? It's not like I'm hungry, or anything, but, Breakfast is VERY important!:-D

Well, we'll see how the day goes.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 8 (Part 2).

It's 11:03pm, and, sleep is so faraway from my eyes!
Today went really well. Felt a bit hungry earlier, in the morning, but, the hunger went away after a while, and, hasn't returned since then. As usual, I drank alot of water today, maybe not as much as usual (slightly above 3Litres), but, I guess that's enough too.

Been so lazy since I got back from work. Didn't get enough sleep last night, so, had to take a super nap when I got home, and, have just been lying down since I woke up, catching up on my TV series. It was even war for me to get up and make my meal! Not really tired, just lazy. I guess it's just one of those days.

Day 8 conquered; Ready for Day 9!

The Cambridge Weight Plan: How it Works.

The Cambridge Diet is a very-low-calorie diet (VLCD), as low as 330calories/day, combined with minerals, vitamins and fatty acids to reduce the loss of nutrients. The diet formula is intended to imitate the weightloss properties of starvation, while providing enough protein to protect lean tissue, the right level of carbohydrate to promote a mild ketosis and eliminate a sense of hunger, and the right levels of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and essential fatty acids to maintain good health.

When on the Cambridge diet, or, any other low calorie diet, your body goes into ketosis.

Cambridge Diet: Day 8!

This is the 8th day since I've been on the Cambridge diet, and, I've really made a lot of progress. Like I stated last night, I've lost a whopping 5kg in just 7 days! Very Encouraging I must say.
Today, I started off by taking 0.75litre of chilled water. Just had my 1st meal a few minutes ago. Went for the Banana Cream Drink; Extra Cold. Feeling refreshed, happy, and,Super motivated.

We are ready for you Day 8!

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 7 (Part 2)

So, a few people have been asking how much weight I've lost so far, well, you'll get to find out momentarily.

It's 10:41pm, and, I feel great. I rarely get hungry these days. Thank God! Like I earlier speculated, today was a pee day. Drank so much water; lost count after about 6litres! Just had my final meal of the day. Went for my fav, the Dutch Chocolate Drink. Made it extra cold with crushed ice. YumYumYum.

So, went on the scale today, and, I was really happy with what I saw.

Garcinia Cambogia.

I'm sure a few of you may have heard about the weightloss Supplement, Garcinia Cambogia. So, I heard about this drug a few weeks back from a friend, and so, I decided to try it out. I took it for about 2 weeks, and, I didn't notice any drop in my weight, and, so, I decided to stop taking it. I should have dropped at least 1kg in 2 weeks. C'mon! It just didn't make sense to me. 

Some people say it blocks your body's ability to make fat and it puts the brakes on your appetite. It could help keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check too.

Cambridge Diet: Day 7!

Today makes it a week I've been on the Cambridge Diet. Woke up feeling unusually energetic, so, I decided to take a lil walk. The sun was shining bright, little breezy, cool, perfect weather for a morning walk. And, of course, I didn't forget to take my early morning water (0.75litre) before going on the walk.

Got home, showered, and then, took my 1st meal for the day (Banana drink). Been feeling unusually thirty, and so, have taken a little over 3 litres of water already today! Shocking. I know! I guess it's all to my advantage though.

I see today being a "Pee day". Lol.
Please, be kind Day 7.
#Drink Up #PeeDayLoading #IAmInTrouble

Monday, 14 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 6 (Part 2).

It's 9:30pm, and, I couldn't be happier. Today was quite a busy day, but, had alot of good outcomes. Didn't feel tired, or, hungry at any point. It's becoming easier with every day.

A Very Dear friend came visiting today, and, he tried his Best to tempt me with Chicken from TFC, but trust me, I resisted it o! If any of you have had TFC chicken, you'd know it was a Big deal!

I'm really getting good at this, and, I couldn't be happier.
#HappyGirlsAreThePrettiest #WeMustLooseWeight

Off you go Day 6; Come over here Day 7!

Cambridge Diet; Day 6!

Day 6! Woke up feeling all refreshed, and, happy today. And, of course, I feel a lot lighter! Yay! Was a bit tempted to go on the scale today, but, will do that after every 7 days (weekly).
So, as usual, I started the day off by taking 0.75litre of water. Then, went ahead to have my first meal about 45 minutes later. Went for the Dutch Chocolate drink today again. I just Love that chocolate flavour.

The Day already looks quite Promising.
Wishing us all a Lovely Day!


Sunday, 13 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 5 (Part 2).

It's 10:15pm, and, I'm a bit exhausted (didn't get enough sleep last night, and, still haven't gotten any yet). Today was a busy day for me, so, didn't really have time to notice if I was hungry, or, not.

I had the Biggest temptation so far. I visited my sister today, and, lo & behold, she prepared one of the most delicious looking rice and ofe akwu (Palm kernel soup). I felt like crying. It was like torture watching my little niece, and, nephews eating it up. It was an excruciating experience, but, I survived. They still went ahead to later eat fried plantain with egg sauce, and, later on, vegetable indomie. All with me watching from the sidelines. It is well o!

All in all, today was a Good day. Looking forward to what tomorrow holds.

Move aside Day 5; kilonshele Day 6!

More Weightloss Tips.

Here are a few more weightloss tips. Enjoy!

The weightloss “industry” is full of myths.

People are being advised to do all sorts of crazy things, most of which have no evidence behind them. Over the years, however, scientists have found a number of strategies that seem to be effective.
Here are a few weight loss tips that are actually evidence-based.

Eat Eggs For Breakfast.

Eating whole eggs can have all sorts of benefits, including helping you lose weight. Studies show that replacing a grain-based breakfast with eggs can help you eat fewer calories for the next 36 hours, and lose more weight and more body fat. If you can’t eat eggs for some reason, then that’s fine. Any source of quality protein for breakfast should do the trick.

Drink Coffee (Preferably Black)

Coffee has been unfairly demonized. Quality coffee is loaded with antioxidants, and can have numerous health benefits. Studies show that the caffeine in coffee can boost metabolism by 3-11%, and increase fat burning by up to 10-29% . Just make sure NOT to add a bunch of sugar or other high-calorie ingredients to it. That will completely negate any benefit you get from the coffee.

Cambridge Diet; Day 5!

Day 5! Wow!
So, I started off the day by taking my green tea (over half a litre of water to one tea bag in order to neutralize the "green tea taste"). Had a few chores to attend to, after which I had my 1st meal for the day. Today, I went for the Dutch Chocolate Drink (Pictured Above). It was So Creamy, and, Delicious!  I think it's my  favourite now. 

Day has begun; Let's get through it together. #WeAreGladYouAreHereDay5
#YouGotNothingOnUs #WeAreConquerers

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Cambridge Diet: Day 4 (Part 2).

It's 11:28 pm, just had my last meal for the day, and, feeling quiet full.
Today was such a fruitful day. Accomplished a Very important mission today: Didn't get tempted by all the walking snacks, and, peppered chicken, and, spaghetti around. And, trust me, there were alot today. Calling out my name; trying to wheel me in, but, I overcame!! Yay! Sure feels Good.

Looking forward to what tomorrow holds.
Take a bow Day 4; Welcome to the stage Day 5!

Few Tips on Weightloss.

So, I had a lot of time on my hands today, and, I decided to go online to further expand my knowledge on weightloss. Came across some interesting facts, and, thought to share with you all. Enjoy.

Drink lots, and, lots of water. Drinking 2 Litres of water daily is one of the easiest ways to speed up weightloss. Your body needs water in order to efficiently metabolize stored fat. When you limit your supply, you're likely to slow down that process, meaning it's more difficult for you to burn calories. An easy eight glasses a day (at least!) will keep your system running smoothly.

Spice it up. It has been found that eating hot peppers can boost a person's basal metabolism (the total calories the body burns at rest). The reason? Capsaicin, a compound found in jalapeno and cayenne peppers, may increase your body's release of stress hormones such as adrenaline, which can speed up your metabolism and your ability to burn calories. What's more, eating hot peppers may reduce your appetite, helping to curb your cravings

Lose the salt. Sodium contributes to water retention, making you look and feel bloated. Do you eat too much salt? Probably — the daily value suggests no more than 2,400 milligrams of sodium each day (or about one teaspoon), but most of us are getting more than twice that amount. So keep an eye on your sodium intake, and that doesn't just mean ditching the saltshaker. Hidden sources include soups, canned foods and drinks, salty snacks such as chips and pretzels and many prepackaged foods.

Cambridge Diet: Day 4!

Yes! It's day 4 already! Couldn't be happier with my progress. So, as usual, today, I started off by taking 100cl of water (1 Litre).  Then, after about 30mins, I took my 1st meal for the day. I went for the Banana cream drink. Had to make it extra cold. It's way more enjoyable that way. 

Feeling happy, energetic, and, all set! :-D
Please, be kind Day 4!

Friday, 11 March 2016

Cambridge Diet: Day 3 (Part 2).

It's 10:56pm, and, all I can think of is FOOOOOD! Seriously. The hunger today was just on another level! It's like the hunger I didn't really feel the 1st two days suddenly decided to attack me today. There is God o! But, apart from that, I'm good. Didn't have much to do today, so, didn't feel tired at any point.

So, a friend of mine bought this delicious peppered chicken today, and, came over to "try" to tempt me with it, but, to the Grace of God, I conquered! I only tasted🙈 Lol. Mehn! It just looked too good. Had to taste. Just like a pinch oo! Probably less than 10 calories. #WillDoBetterTomorrow

Well, well, well... Gerara here Day 3! What you got Day 4??

Weightloss: Water Therapy.

Hey everyone. Hope our day's going great. Was off work today, so, been practically home all day catching up on all my TV series, while drinking lots, and, lots of water. Have taken about 6 bottles (pictured above), and, I'm sure I'd still add to that before the day ends. Water is very essential to weightloss. Water consumption increases the rate at which people burn calories (This has been scientifically proven).. Taking lots of water increases the body's metabolism. Up to 40% of the increase in calorie burning is caused by the body's attempt to heat the ingested water. So, I'm guessing it's best to actually take the water cold, so, our bodies will work extra hard to heat it up! 
So, drink up! #WaterIsLife #BestDrankChilled #DrinkUp #BottleOfLife

Cambridge Diet; Day 3!

Hey! Hey! Hey! So, today, I woke up feeling perfectly fine! Full of energy; no hunger strikes. Just perfect. I started off the day by taking half a litre or cold water (the weather is terribly hot). Then, after about 30mins, I took my 1st meal. I went for the Rich Vanilla Shake. Very delicious! Afterwards, I made my green tea; sipping on it right now. Lol.

So, let's see how the day turns out.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

The Cambridge Diet; Day 2 (Part 2).

It's 9:40pm, and, the hunger couldn't be worse! I can practically hear my tummy singing! Missed my 2nd meal of the day. Still haven't had any yet, but, will do that shortly. I was mostly hungry today, but,  not tired. Drank over 4litres of water, and, I also had my Legend tea & herbs Green tea. Green teas usually have this kind of unpleasant taste, so, what I did was, I filled up my bottle with hot water, and then, put a tea bag in (pictured below). That helped in neutralizing that taste. Made it easier to drink, and of course, way more enjoyable.
Day 2 in the bag.. Bring it on Day 3!

Cambridge Diet; Day 2!

Hey everyone. So, I woke up today feeling all refreshed, and, happy.
I started off my day by drinking about half a litre of warm water with lime. Then, after about an hour & half, I took my 1st Cambridge meal for the day. I went for the Banana Cream Drink. Very tasty. I felt like I was taking a Banana flavoured yogurt!

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Green Tea, and, its health benefits.

So, as one of my commenters suggested, I got myself a green tea! It is said that green teas really aid in weightloss, and, also, have a bunch of other health benefits.
I got the "Legend Tea & hearbs" green tea, and, it's supposed to be really good (that was what the girl at the supermarket told me. It was their only green tea on display).
Apart from aiding in weightloss, the Legend tea & herbs has a bunch of other health benefits.
1)  Lowers risk of heart ailments.
2)  Tones down blood pressure.
3)  Reduces cholesterol levels.

Cambridge Diet; Day 1

It's 7:50pm, and, I'm still not feeling hungry. Not even one bit! I thought the 1st few days would be a bit difficult, just like the last time, but, to my surprise, it was the exact opposite! I was so energetic today! Took a long walk (not by choice though; had to run an errand). Drank about 4litres of water today.. Yes, 4! But, surprisingly, the urge to pee didn't come as frequently as I had expected it to. Guess I am pretty dehydrated.
Today was a very good 1st day. Food wasn't even appealing to me! Seriously. Prepared one of my favourite meals today, Spaghetti, for a few friends, and, I didn't even feel the urge to eat! Even I was amazed. With how much I Love spaghetti, I'd say that was a MIRACLE!

I have a confession to make.. 

Your Suggestions are needed!

So, I forgot to mention this in my first post..
I am open to your suggestions on tips on weightloss. So, if anyone has any tips, please, share on the comment section, or, email me at I'd really appreciate it.
I know about the lime therapy, but, does that really work, and,how fast??

Please, please, please, I really do need your suggestions. I'm in this for good! Want to drop down to 75kg. I think that's a safe weight for me. So, 10kg gotta GO!!!

Thank you!

My Weightloss Adventure

So, all my life, I've always been called "fat".. Even when I was a mere 54kg! 54kg! This could have been highly due to the fact that I've always been bigger than my immediate elder sister.. As she refused to put on weight, even with all the complam, malt n milk, and all, what did you expect me to do na? Stop growing???  Lol

Anyways, with time, I actually began to accept that, maybe I was actually fat, and, with time, I actually began to put on weight. By June of 2014, I was a whooping 97kg! I couldn't believe it. I needed a quick fix, so, a friend of mine told me about the Cambridge diet. I decided to try it out, and, I was amazed at the result after just 6 days! I had lost a whooping 6kg!! I was so elated! So, I stuck to the diet for another 2 weeks, though, not so religiously, and, I lost another 9kg, making it a total of 15kg in 3 weeks! But, apparently, with the Cambridge diet, you should loose between 12 - 15kg in 2 weeks! But, I was too proud of myself, and, happy to be have lost 15kg in 3 weeks! I went from 97kg to 82kg in 3 weeks!

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