Thursday, 10 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 2!

Hey everyone. So, I woke up today feeling all refreshed, and, happy.
I started off my day by drinking about half a litre of warm water with lime. Then, after about an hour & half, I took my 1st Cambridge meal for the day. I went for the Banana Cream Drink. Very tasty. I felt like I was taking a Banana flavoured yogurt!

So, to make a meal, which is apparently about 110 calories, you take a scoop of the meal (pictured above), and, add to whatever quantity of water u want. I used 350ml of water. Then, shake till it's properly dissolved, and, enjoy. That Simple!


  1. Looks like Breast milk. Lol

  2. this diet sounds good. may actually consider it.I recently put on a lot of weight.


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