Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 1

It's 7:50pm, and, I'm still not feeling hungry. Not even one bit! I thought the 1st few days would be a bit difficult, just like the last time, but, to my surprise, it was the exact opposite! I was so energetic today! Took a long walk (not by choice though; had to run an errand). Drank about 4litres of water today.. Yes, 4! But, surprisingly, the urge to pee didn't come as frequently as I had expected it to. Guess I am pretty dehydrated.
Today was a very good 1st day. Food wasn't even appealing to me! Seriously. Prepared one of my favourite meals today, Spaghetti, for a few friends, and, I didn't even feel the urge to eat! Even I was amazed. With how much I Love spaghetti, I'd say that was a MIRACLE!

I have a confession to make.. 
You know how you'd just be sitting on your own at work, sipping on your water, and, your colleague comes over with this really sweet groundnut, and, askes if you want to buy, and, for a moment, you forget you are on a diet, buy some, and, begin to eat before you remember the diet???? Well, that happened to me today! My long throat no gree me oo! I sha ate like N50 groundnut (It's not much; just like a handful). Hopefully, that won't be more than 500 calories, and, according to my phone, I lost about 370 calories during my long walk, and so, 500 - 370 = 130! Which is just slightly below the calories in one Cambridge diet. Did I mention I skipped my evening meal?? The groundnut covers up for it. My long throat got the better of me. Will know better tomorrow. Hopefully. Lol.
So, day 1 conquered! Bring it on Day 2!


  1. Don't go and starve yourself o

    1. Lol. I won't Ken. You know, the Cambridge diet contains all your daily nutritional needs. Yes, it does!


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