Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 7 (Part 2)

So, a few people have been asking how much weight I've lost so far, well, you'll get to find out momentarily.

It's 10:41pm, and, I feel great. I rarely get hungry these days. Thank God! Like I earlier speculated, today was a pee day. Drank so much water; lost count after about 6litres! Just had my final meal of the day. Went for my fav, the Dutch Chocolate Drink. Made it extra cold with crushed ice. YumYumYum.

So, went on the scale today, and, I was really happy with what I saw.
I have lost a whopping 5kg! YES!  5kg in 7 days! I'm now down to 82kg! Makes me more determined to loose more these next 7 days. Cambridge Diet is da bomb! I feel healthier; slimmer, happier, not forgetting fresher! Lol. Seriously.  Really looking forward to how much weight I'd be able to loose these next few days.
Bye Bye Day 7; We are ready Day 8!


  1. oh wow....that's amazing.I might be getting on that diet too myself. 5kg in 7 days. u weighed urself at night, I think u might notice a lil more weight loss in the morning after using the bathroom. good job my love...u make me so proud.

    1. Awwww.. Thank you So Much Chy Okoli. Your sweet, kind words mean so much me. I'm motivated to loose more!:-D Thank you!


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