Monday, 21 March 2016

Cambridge Diet: Day 13!

Hey Everyone. Hope we are all doing great. It's Day 13 Already! Seems like just yesterday we started this journey. We're still here all Thanks to God!

So, today, I was woken up by the heavy pounding of the rain on my roof. I didn't really fancy that, cos, I still really wanted to get some more sleep, but, that wasn't going to be possible anymore, because, once I'm up, I'm up. Sad; I know! Got up, and, 1st thing 1st, I took 2 glasses of water, then, went ahead to do the little chores I had. When I was all showered, and, relaxed, I took my first meal. I'm sure you can guess which one I went for... Yes! The Dutch Chocolate drink. Extra chilled: Yummy...

A day more, and, we get to find out how much more kgs I've lost. So excited. I feel lighter; my cloths which didn't fit 2 weeks ago all fit perfectly now! Putting on one right now. I couldn't be happier.

Day 13, we are Happy you are here!


  1. just found this blog.can guys do the cambridge diet too/?

    1. Ofcos Mr. Nwaike! Guys can also go on the Cambridge Diet. It's not a female based diet.

  2. Your journey has been rather inspiring so far, keep on with this great job.

  3. Your fitness journey is so inspiring, can't wait to start mine.

    1. Thank you So Much Nenye. Do let me know when you start yours. Would love to be a part of it.


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