Friday 18 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 10!

So today, I did not forget my morning meal. Infact, I took it around 6 am, cos, I still had to leave the house early. I went for the Chocolate Drink;  My Favourite

Been about 3 days since I last took my green tea, so, I made sure I didn't miss it today. As we all know, drinking a lot of water is very essential to any low calorie diet, so, I've taken about 2 litres of water so far. Will definitely have more as the day goes by.

It's Day 10! Couldn't be happier at my progress. 4 More days, and we get to find out how much more weight I've lost. Can't wait!


  1. I can feel the excitement from here.

    You can check me out on

    1. Lol. Yes Irene. It's a Very Exciting journey!

  2. Can't wait to find out how much more weight we have lost. Lol


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