Saturday 26 March 2016

Cambridge Diet; Day 18!

Hey everyone. Hope we are all doing great. I am!
This day couldn't have been any better. Started off the day with my bottle of green tea, and then, my 1st meal almost 2 hours later. Went for the Banana Shake. Extra chilled ofcos.

Visited my lil cousins today, and, as you can imagine, there were loads and loads of temptations! But, thanks to God, I was able to resist "most" of them. Lol.

Took my last meal quite early today.
My lil cousins were so eager to have a taste of the chocolate drink, so, was Kinda pushed to make it that early.

Now, about to retire for the day.
So thankful for a Beautiful day like this, and, that which is to come next.

Thank you for stopping by Day 18! Ready to receive Day 19!


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